The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies

Downtown Dental staff recently landed in Vegas for TMD Practical Advanced Training (PAT) with LVI (The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies), a postgraduate training center for dentists.

This course was designed to teach the components of the real world TMD evaluation. Dr. Clark and his team participated in a hands on workshop to discuss TMD records, comprehensive evaluations, head and neck radiographic evaluations and the OSA/TMD relationship. We were also presented with opportunities to help solve advanced problem cases with a live patient demo in addition discussions and reviews for difficult cases brought by the participants. It was a worthwhile trip and the training made us even BETTER at diagnosing and treating head, neck, and jaw issues.

DD Team Members experience the advanced TMJD course with an emphasis in posture, dental orthopedics and upper cervical health in relation the the TMJ.





