Earlier this month, we announced that our staff at Downtown Dental is committed to running the Music City Half Marathon as a way to commit to total body health and raise support for St. Jude Heroes. To help you join our cause, we’re rolling out a partnership and promotion with Nashville Running Company to give current and potential Downtown Dental 200 reasons to join in on staying healthy!

To help Nashville residents stay healthy from head to toe, we’re partnering with Nashville Running Company to offer 15% OFF and the opportunity to win an exclusive $200 gift card to anyone who schedules a new patient appointment or refers a friend to Downtown Dental from now until the end of April!
Whether you’re one of the 30,000 people training for the Country Music Marathon or Half Marathon or you’re just looking to stay active during the winter months, investing in good running or walking shoes is important. However, most of us aren’t racing to buy new running shoes, even if we are preparing for a race.
This is the perfect excuse to give us a call whether you’re a businessman who works downtown looking to beat your personal record for the half marathon or you just moved downtown and are looking for a new dentist.
How can you tell what Country Music Marathon finishers are Downtown Dental patients? There are a couple of ways:
1) They’re part of Downtown Dental’s St. Jude Heroes Team!
2) They’ll be the ones with the fresh new kicks and white smiles in the pictures at the finish line…
Whether you’re running in the Country Music Marathon or not, we hope you’ll join us as we continue to promote healthy living from head to toe and support St. Jude’s and support our St. Jude Heroes T as we raise support for St. Jude’s lifesaving mission of finding cures and saving children.
New patients can click here, call 615.254.1393, or email us to schedule your appointment today.
Current patients can receive the exclusive discount when their referral mentions their name while scheduling their appointment.
Are you running the Country Music Marathon or Half Marathon? If so, leave us a comment below!