Let’s be real here: We know that visiting the dentist can be something that makes many patients nervous. Research shows that 20% of individuals who experience severe anxiety will only go to the dentist if absolutely necessary. However, regular dental checkups are vital not only because they keep your teeth and gums healthy, but they can also help protect and maintain your overall health and well-being. Downtown Dental is sensitive to the fears and concerns of our Nashville dental patients and we strive to create a comfortable environment for all patients, no matter their personal concerns. If the idea of visiting the dentist gives you anxiety, consider a few reasons why Dr. Clark's office can help ease your fears: We listen. We invite you to express your worries from the very first moment you call to book an appointment. Our team makes your concerns our concerns. Whether you’ve had a bad experience in the past, are afraid of needles, or are apprehensive about any specific part of your appointment, let’s discuss it. We promise to listen carefully to get a full understanding of how you feel. We give you all the information and discuss solutions. Dr. Clark and our team will share with you a full range of options and information so you can make an educated decision about your personal treatment. We will not rush you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. Additionally, we offer safe, effective dental sedation that has helped other patients like you overcome their dental fears. There are several options available; our team will be happy to discuss the solution that’s right for you and your treatment.  Are you concerned about cost or time? In addition to general fear of the dentist, many patients might be anxious about the cost or duration of necessary dental treatments. We make a point to discuss your options in detail with you so you feel comfortable with every aspect of treatment. Depending on the procedure needed, there may be multiple options available that can fit your time frame and/or budget. Some procedures can be completed in the same day. Your treatment coordinator will explain to you how you can best maximize your dental benefit assistance and the various financing options available to you in order to make your treatment affordable.  The ultimate decision is yours to make, and we will make sure you have all the information you need to choose the treatment plan and financing option that’s right for your dental health and your wallet. Bottom line: we deal with dental phobia every single day, and we get it. We won't judge you or dismiss your fears, and we'll do everything we can to work with you to feel more relaxed. Beyond the initial anxiety, regaining control of your dental health will be the biggest step you ever take in overcoming your fear of the dentist.

Sometimes cavities fly under the radar. Other times, though, cavity symptoms might make you feel like your mouth is a trainwreck.

Spoiler alert: cavities don't always hurt. In fact, many people assume they don’t have a cavity because they don’t feel anything. However, cavities don’t cause pain-at least not in the early stages. When they do start to cause pain, you have waited too long, and you will have to pay for more extensive treatments instead of quick and convenient ones. After all, you won’t feel pain until the cavity reaches the pulp in the center of your tooth. At that point, an abscess, or an infected hole could form around the tooth’s roots.

Abscesses don’t just cause pain. They can also spread bacteria to neighboring teeth or even other areas throughout the body. So don’t wait for treatment if you have a cavity. It's like going to your physician for your annual examinations hoping for the reassurance that everything is fine with your body and that, overall, you are healthy. Sometimes, however, your doctor may detect an issue of concern and order further tests. Sometimes, these tests  reveal  an underlying condition even though you are feeling quite well and are experiencing no signs or symptoms – ones that you can detect that is! Clinically (with our eyes), we only see about a third of a person’s dental health which is why, in the absence of pain or signs and symptoms, a picture is truly worth a thousand words. 3D dental imaging at Downtown Dental provides valuable information that allows us to see areas of the tooth that is below the gum line as well as the bone that supports it. Being able to see the mouth in three dimensions allows the dentist to better and more effectively formulate an approach to treat dental conditions. Click here to learn more about laser assisted fillings at Downtown Dental. SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave
No doubt eco-friendly has become an important ‘buzz phrase’ in most dental offices, not only because it is the right thing to do, but also because of patient awareness and inquiries. Still not sure what that means for your smile? Let these trends fill you in. The paper factor: This past summer, the American Dental Association endorsed new deadlines for dental offices to have devices that capture dental amalgam waste so that it can be recycled. More and more dental offices are thinking and acting ‘green’ by reducing the amount of plastic used in multiple areas such as substituting digital scanning instead of plastic impression trays, and substituting cloth and paper for plastic in both sterilization and other patient protection disciplines. Digital do-good: Digital is quickly replacing paper and plastic, so much so that many offices have converted to all-digital—especially in X-rays, charting and photo records. And while it doesn’t necessarily affect the health of a patient, it is something that helps the greater good. Biodegradable cleaners and disinfectants are now ‘in’ and dentists have become conscious of how they can make a difference in their offices every day to make their contribution towards cleaner living for our planet. We also now have 3D imaging, which is the most accurate way to get impressions, and we can use it for crowns, veneers and Invisalign. No more 'goop' is needed to get a mold of your teeth. Lasers get more love: Sure, lasers sound like a high-tech solution for just about anything, but there’s also a real impact on what they help in terms of the environment. By use of a laser and air-abrasion, we can avoid removing so much less of a patient’s tooth structure was removed, and all without any local anesthetic. This is the future of dental patient care, which means fewer materials used because the restorative surface is so much smaller. And because many of the dental materials used today are resin-based, less material used means less resin. Also, keeping restorations smaller means less water used. Metal is minimized: According to New York cosmetic dentist Zachary E. Linhart, DDS, recently, people have become concerned about bisphenol-A (BPA) in dental composites, in addition to the age-old worry about mercury in amalgam (metal) fillings. “No scientific, long-term studies have shown negative effects of BPA or mercury on humans in relation to dental fillings. BPA is a newer concern, and studies are still being done to see if, in these small doses, it can have a hormonal effect on humans.” Via New Beauty Magazine
Let’s be real here: We know that visiting the dentist can be something that makes many patients nervous. Research shows that 20% of individuals who experience severe anxiety will only go to the dentist if absolutely necessary. However, regular dental checkups are vital not only because they keep your teeth and gums healthy, but they can also help protect and maintain your overall health and well-being. Downtown Dental is sensitive to the fears and concerns of our Nashville dental patients and we strive to create a comfortable environment for all patients, no matter their personal concerns. If the idea of visiting the dentist gives you anxiety, consider a few reasons why Dr. Clark's office can help ease your fears: We listen. We invite you to express your worries from the very first moment you call to book an appointment. Our team makes your concerns our concerns. Whether you’ve had a bad experience in the past, are afraid of needles, or are apprehensive about any specific part of your appointment, let’s discuss it. We promise to listen carefully to get a full understanding of how you feel. We give you all the information and discuss solutions. Dr. Clark and our team will share with you a full range of options and information so you can make an educated decision about your personal treatment. We will not rush you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. Additionally, we offer safe, effective dental sedation that has helped other patients like you overcome their dental fears. There are several options available; our team will be happy to discuss the solution that’s right for you and your treatment.  Are you concerned about cost or time? In addition to general fear of the dentist, many patients might be anxious about the cost or duration of necessary dental treatments. We make a point to discuss your options in detail with you so you feel comfortable with every aspect of treatment. Depending on the procedure needed, there may be multiple options available that can fit your time frame and/or budget. Some procedures can be completed in the same day. Your treatment coordinator will explain to you how you can best maximize your dental benefit assistance and the various financing options available to you in order to make your treatment affordable.  The ultimate decision is yours to make, and we will make sure you have all the information you need to choose the treatment plan and financing option that’s right for your dental health and your wallet. Bottom line: we deal with dental phobia every single day, and we get it. We won't judge you or dismiss your fears, and we'll do everything we can to work with you to feel more relaxed. Beyond the initial anxiety, regaining control of your dental health will be the biggest step you ever take in overcoming your fear of the dentist.
Over the past few months, we’ve been rolling out a few of our favorite features of our new Waterlase iPlus Laser Dentistry option. Today, we want to take it a step further to talk about a dental procedure that no one likes to discuss… surgery. When most people think of gum surgery, there are three words that come to mind: gross, ouch and no! Despite the fact that this surgery is necessary to prevent further issues or pain, many are hesitant to get the work done because of the anesthesia shots, the dreaded scalpel for removing tissue and stitches. How we're removing the stress from gum surgery:  We want to remove those three words with our laser dentistry option! With the Waterlase iPlus laser, gum surgeries usually require only topical anesthetic, no stitches and little to no post-operative pain. This means that you can get rid of the potentially harmful dental diseases without skipping a beat in your daily routine - healing faster without the set backs from shots or pain. Now that it's stress free, what work can be done? Downtown Dental offers laser dentistry treatments for the following common types of gum surgery:
  • Ulcers or canker sore removal: If you know someone who deals with canker sores, you know how annoyed they can be. Fixing this issue has never been easier.
  • Gingivectomy: What used to be the painful removal of overgrown or unsightly gums around teeth can be done without any shots or temporary swelling.
  • Frenectomy: This complicated procedure helps countless children who suffer from speech problems or from spacing between the teeth. It removes part of the of cheek, lip or tongue muscle attachments. In the past, this meant an in-depth and invasive surgery that typically leaves patients with uncomfortable stitches and after-effects of anesthesia. Laser dentistry allows our team to perform the procedure quickly and more comfortably.
If you’ve been putting off gum surgery or a different dental procedure offered with laser dentistry, what are you waiting for? The pain-free future of dentistry is available in Downtown Nashville and we’d love for you to finally take care of the gum issues that have been prevented you from staying healthy from head to toe. You can schedule an appointment or call our office today to learn more about how our laser dentistry option can make your next trip to the dentist more enjoyable than you ever thought possible.